Weekly Highlights - Are Regulations the Most Important Lever to Drive Change?
On this week’s weekly recap, we’re getting a little political (but not that kind of political). We’re spotlighting market regulations, responsible supply chains, the role of recycling, and despite your political affiliations, this week’s episode highlights an alarming truth - we’re not doing enough fast enough. But is government intervention the answer? Or is recycling? How will brands navigate different regulations around the world? Here are some thoughts based on our three articles of the week…
Topic Links: PangeaSeed Episode: https://www.theunderswell.com/podcasts/good-things-happening-just-under-the-surface/episodes/2147957821
NPR Throughline - “Ghost in Your Phone”: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/31/1179117816/the-ghost-in-your-phone
EU Parliament Sustainable and Circular Textiles Strategy Developments: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230524IPR91913/parliament-wants-to-make-eu-textiles-and-clothing-industry-greener
World Economic Forum “Recycled Materials Could Solve Most of Fast Fashion’s Sustainability Problems”: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/06/recycled-material-could-solve-most-of-fast-fashion-s-sustainability-problems-here-s-how/
SDG Alignment: #1 No Poverty, #8 Decent Work & Economic Growth, #10 Reduced Inequalities, #12 Responsible Consumption & Production, #17 Partnerships for the Goals
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Learn more about Derek and McKenzie on our website: https://www.theunderswell.com/site/about And finally…
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