Sustainability On The Go: Our Favorite Sustainability Apps

education sustainability sustainable living Sep 08, 2023

Staying up to date with the latest climate news is important, but lately, it’s been feeling a little “doom and gloom.” Climate change was seldom talked about in media a few years ago, but today, the severity of climate change is all too real and it’s all over the place. This isn’t something we can ignore or outrun - the only way out is through.

Being aware of the climate news around us is one thing, doing something about it is another.  But where do we start? Tackling climate change as an individual may seem daunting, but there are a few free resources available to help you get the wheels rolling. Today, we’re exploring some of our favorite sustainability-related apps designed to help you understand climate change better and act to drive change within your community.

First on the list is Commons, an all-in-one climate app that calculates your carbon footprint based on spending habits, offers tips to reduce your carbon footprint, and provides a list of companies for you to support in your new climate journey! 

Having actionable tasks to reduce your emissions can be a fun and challenging activity, but one of my favorite parts of Commons is their community tab. You can toggle to this section of the app and see what other users have accomplished and read tips/tricks on how they accomplished the goal. A good support system can go a long way! If you don’t feel ready to take the leap to reduce your carbon footprint, Commons also has free articles you can read on their app. Because if you can’t act, the next best thing is to learn. 

If you’d like to learn more about Commons before you download the app, check out their Instagram.

Up next is ReGroop, a mobile platform that connects stakeholders around the world to take action. Focusing on potential new fossil fuel projects, ReGroop allows users to join campaigns to speak out against these projects using the power of community. Users are encouraged to send emails, participate in protests, and connect with other activists to drive change, while also building a network of like-minded peers.

Depending on how much time you have, users are encouraged to join multiple campaigns all over the world. There’s power in numbers and ReGroop aims to get as many climate action enthusiasts on board as possible to drive real, meaningful change. Shout out to Baratunde Thurston who was on the Rich Roll podcast recently for the heads up on this one.

Following ReGroop, this next app is also a handy tool to have if you’re ready to start tackling some of our most challenging social obstacles. SDGs in Action is an easy-to-take-anywhere app that puts the Sustainable Development Goals in the palm of your hand.

Not only can you learn about the SDGs and access articles with news and updates, but you can also learn how you can drive action toward achieving the SDGs and create your own actions to create sustainable change within your own community. The SDGs are globally recognized as the roadmap towards a more sustainable future and with your help, we may be able to achieve them by 2030! 

Last but certainly not least is one of our favorite sustainable fashion resources - Good On You. Brand ratings, consumer resources, and news updates are just a few of the staples of Good On You’s offerings, but we just recently found out they have a mobile app that takes learning about sustainable fashion on the go.

Have you ever been out shopping and wondered if a brand is sustainable or not? The Good On You app can take some of the headache out of guessing by telling you exactly how they scored the brand across a number of impact areas. Keep in mind that no brand is perfect, but there are some great brands out there committed to reducing their impacts who need support from consumers like you and me.

Taking the first step in your sustainability journey doesn’t have to be scary, so long as you have the right resources guiding you. We hope this list of our favorite sustainability apps gave you some inspiration to get there, learn a few things, and drive change! If you’d like to receive regular sustainability and climate-related updates, subscribe to our free weekly newsletter using the form below. 

Have a great week and happy learning! 

Derek & McKenzie

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