Speaking of careers...

Everyone has a story. I use the power of conversation to bring yours to life with a Professional Podcast Profile.

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Check out the show 


Create the 25-minute 🎙️ podcast version of your resume now! 

You've spent your entire career building your resume and LinkedIn bio... the least you can do is give them your voice!

Explore the Limited Offer Now

 Podcasting as a Service

Enhance your CV, Resume, Website, and/or LinkedIn Profile with a Personalized Podcast Interview

For You:

The Professional Podcast Profile for Individuals

Bring your resume to life. I'll do the interviewing, and you'll be featured on our show. We'll highlight all your professional achievements and you'll get a link and podcast interview to share with recruiters, hiring managers, colleges, and more.

Inquire Now

For Your Business:

A Podcast Episode for Your Business

Create authentic marketing. You and your brand or service will be featured on our show. We'll highlight your differentiating factors and you'll get a link and podcast interview to share with clients, vendors, and customers.                                      

Inquire Now

Enterprise Solutions:

A Customized Company Podcast

Engage your team. Your team, staff, and initiatives will be featured on your own customized, private (or  public) show. You'll get a link and podcast interviews to share with stakeholders as you see fit. Internally or externally.                        

Inquire Now
I Can't Wait to Chat With You

I'm Derek Sabori

After years of professional experience across various industries, I'm coming to terms with my superpower. Driven by curiosity, I thrive most when genuinely connecting with people.

Here's My Story
Worth a Listen

Our Latest Profiles and Career Journeys

The Underswell features stories of how they got there, where they're going, and what's next from Early Journey Career Hunters, Experienced Career Navigators, and Captains of Industry.

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Your career is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll guide you to the finish line with weekly bite-sized advice and lessons learned from others on their way—or who have made itto where you want to be.

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Online Courses

The School of Understanding

Take control of your career in sustainability and more with these comprehensive courses.

Sustainability: Level 1 - Core Competency

Everyone starts with the 4 Core Essential Lessons before moving on to additional topics. This is your foundational learning and these lessons are good for anyone, in any role, in any industry:

Level 1 - Core Competency - Consists of 4 Core Lessons, 4.5 hrs of video content + resources ($174 Value)

Enroll Now

Sustainability: Level 2 - Next Level Understanding

After Level 1, we offer a progressive set of 4 Next Level Lessons that build on what you learned in those earlier core, essential lessons. Start applying those foundational principles. Also good for anyone, in any role, in any industry:

Level 2 - Next Level Understanding - Consists of Level 1 Lessons + 4 Next Level Lessons. An additional 5.25 hrs of video content + resources ($174 Value).

Enroll Now

Need a moderator or a host for your event?

I've built a reputation for engaging panel moderation, event hosting, and workshop facilitation. If you're looking for a well-rounded professional to interact with your experts and audience, let's find a time to chat.

Let's Chat!